The film of course tries to mix in many messages; whether it be about achieving part of the American Dream (the trophy wife) or realizing that a rating system like the one in the film is ill-prepped because 'everyone is a 10 to the person who loves them; and that you're only a 5 if you think you're a 5.' (a paraphrased conversation from the film.) But in all honesty - we're not watching this movie for moral messages; we're watching this movie because it was marketed towards us as a raunchy comedy... especially since it was penned by Sean Anders and John Morris (penners of: Sex Drive & upcoming raunch-comedy Hot Tub Time Machine) but it really isn't. The trailers are quite deceiving because the movie is truly a sweet romantic-comedy... most of the laughs brought forth by a minor character, Devon (played by Nate Torrence.)
Talking about characters, the film was well cast. Jay Baruchel plays the perfect Kirk as Alive Eve plays the perfect Molly. The supporting cast; led by Krysten Ritter, Nate Torrence, and T.J. Miller; helped provide the laughs along the way as the audience engages themselves in the romantic lives of Molly and Kirk. The laughs them self are hardly original; yet one doesn't care as Smith finds a way to take an unoriginal comic scene and make it original. For example we've all seen the scene in Fast Times at Ridgemont High, where the guy has his 'explosion' a little too early... a very American Pie-esque gag... well; a scene like that appears in She's Out of My League - only to add an extra giggle when Molly's parents show up right after Kirk has his little accident. Or another example: we've all seen the American Wedding shaving scene... well She's Out of My League takes the shaving scene and adds an extra person... which makes it even more funny than the first time you've seen it.
Sure the gags are hardly original; but they're still funny and with Nate Torrence's hilarious G-rated Disneyesque antics in this R-rated film there are conversations in the scene that you just want to replay over and over again... there are times in the film that you also find yourself wanting to sing along with Hall & Oates. (I'm serious... I've still got Kiss on My List stuck in my head.) You may also never look at dogs the same way again after this film... but it's worth it.
Is there anything wrong with the film? Well obviously the film isn't perfect... I've said before the gags are far from original and you can always tell how romantic-comedies end (far from actual reality). And there are even slight continuity errors within the acting that I noticed upon a second viewing of the film - yet it all seems forgivable once you actually sit through this film. It will never be on a 'Must See' movie list - but it does deserve to be seen because out of two screenings that held a total of 575 people there was not a single negative comment upon the end of the film. The majority of the comments included: 'this was a lot better than I thought it was going to be...' and in complete honesty that's how I felt too.
Give She's Out of My League a shot. You won't regret it. And surprise. You just might laugh. (Also - it's a great date movie... so take your 10 out to this film!)
3.5 out of 5 stars

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